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Hands installing door alarm sensor
January 22, 2024

What Are The Types Of Window And Door Alarms In Kansas City And Which Ones Should I Get?

Door and window sensors are the foundation of a residential security system. They defend your most at risk entryways and discourage burglaries by tripping your alarm. But what types are available, and what might you install? Find out more about window and door alarms in Kansas City and decide what’s ideal for your residence.

Possibilities For Door And Window Alarm Sensors In Kansas City

You will come across various door and window alarm sensors in Kansas City to accommodate your home’s exact needs and your preferences. Pick from one of these kinds - contact, glass break, and motion sensors.

Contact Sensors Give You Dependable Protection

Adaptable and simple to connect, magnetic contact sensors are the most common window and door alarms in Kansas City. They have a two-part system with a sensor attached on one side and a magnet on the opposite side. The magnet typically affixes to the window or door frame, and the sensor secures to the door or window sash. When the window or door opens, your alarm is triggered due to the magnetic field’s interruption.

Glass Break Sensors Perceive Sound, Vibration, Or Both

Glass break window alarms can be found as shock sensors, acoustic sensors, or a mix of technologies. Shock sensors distinguish the vibration resulting from glass breaking and adhere right on the window or the frame enclosing it. Acoustic sensors detect sound and may affix to a nearby wall. One acoustic sensor can be suitable for multiple windows contingent on its detection range. They are smart for locations like basements that are further away from sleeping areas and more vulnerable to broken glass intrusions. You can discover multi-function sensors that cut down on false alarms by requiring both sound and vibration to be perceived.

Motion Sensors Provide An Additional Alternative

When protecting your access points, you have another option with motion detectors. You can position motion detectors so your most at risk windows and doors are within their detection range.

Further Possibilities for Window And Door Alarm Sensors In Kansas City

There are further possibilities with door and window alarm sensors in Kansas City. Initially, you’ll need to decide whether to choose wireless or wired implements. Wireless is commonly preferred because of the versatility and effortlessness of installation.

Thankfully, wireless security and connectivity have significantly progressed over the years, making these types of sensors a terrific possibility. However, there could be times when wired devices make sense, like moving to a home with existing wiring for security.

Choose From Different Kinds of Contact Sensors

Most people choose contact sensors that affix directly on windows, doors, and the frame that surrounds them. They blend easily with your interior and occupy little space. Slim versions are even less detectable and make sense for different kinds of entryways, like sliding patio doors. However, if you don’t want a clearly evident sensor for decorative reasons or because of a custom window or door style, you can choose recessed sensors. These fit nicely inside your door and frame and are practically invisible, although a drill is required to set the sensor.

Locate The Right Window And Door Alarms In Kansas City From Secure24 Alarm Systems

Customize your home security with your preference of window and door alarms in Kansas City from Secure24 Alarm Systems. Our innovative devices offer helpful features like instant alerts through your smartphone app. You can even devise specific functionality like having your surveillance systems record when a sensor is triggered. Get started on your system today by contacting (816) 287-1177 or submitting the form below.